Monday, October 26, 2009

CD Album Cover

This is an image I made for another band called "Jacob and the Blacks." The title of the album was "Howl For the Wolf Pack!" I'm not sure why the image is so small on this blog or why the lettering looks more blurry (it's more clear in the original). The album is werewolf themed to I found a nice simple image of a wolf howling at the moon with enough blank space to mess with. I don't have photoshop on my mac so I settled with the far less versatile downloaded app "Paintbrush." I have yet to find out if Paintbrush has a free transform tool like photoshop, so I had to settle with making the words be straight. I would have put them at an angle otherwise. I chose a blood red color to stay with the werewolf theme and chose the cracked font to give a worn / edgy look to it.

Had I had more sophisticated applications to work with I would have wanted to add more effects, but this, like all the other things I have submitted was more about the simplicity of the image conveying everything it needed to. No frills.

I'm starting to get the feeling I need to experiment more.

1 comment:

  1. I like your use of negative (in this case, black) space in this.

    Do you know the song "Wolf Like Me" by TV on the Radio? Cat Power also has a song titled "Werewolf" that I think is especially good.

    Paintbrush worked out pretty well for this!
