Friday, October 30, 2009


Haven't had time to tweak these in photoshop but here are the portraits I have chosen.

Other - My little bearded dragon, Odin

Self - Halloween costume of Dr Doom, liked the blur effect creating lines/movement

Friend - My friend being ironic with a batman mask and joker jacket, the silly look and mirror add to the irony: Batman looks at himself and realizes he's not the same as he used to be.


  1. Great shots, though I hope Odin still has both eyes.

    Have you read Neil Gaiman's book, American Gods? Odin (aka "Mr. Wednesday") is one of the characters.

    Fine Halloween costume, too.

  2. Yes, Odin has both eyes, I just thought that photo captured his curiosity pretty well.

    Haven't read any Neil Gaiman, pretty much everyone I talk to recommends him.
